Monday, December 23, 2019

Different Definition of Entrepreneur and their Eligibilities

An Entrepreneur is someone who has bundles of new ideas, ventures for business and is responsible for risks involved and also for outcome of it. These are person who are player in competitive world of business. Some mention them as business man as they have their own business and run it. 

Entrepreneurs have their history long back, but now days they are very much involved in many business. In 1970s they have not been given much value as of today. Society accepted them with various meanings and their work. There are various definitions by different dictionaries and people according to person acted. As per Webster Revised Dictionary Entrepreneur has been stated in 1913 as the person who makes different goods for his benefit. However, this idea is true till some point. A person cannot be judged as entrepreneur as he do not act just create a product. 

Another dictionary like Merriam Webster dictionary stated that a entrepreneur is person who coordinates, handles and estimate the risks involved in the business or in enterprise world. This definition is considered more accurate and explanatory comparing to the previous one. Risks are involved in almost all works of entrepreneurs no matter is investment or implying any new idea.

While there is another formal definition of Ashoka where it states that entrepreneur leads to bring up an organizational society that encourages nothing except social change. Social Entrepreneurs are person who pioneer some new and big possibilities in field of health, education, environment and other sort of field to meet human needs. 

A business entrepreneur is a person who contributes the inventions in world of commerce. On other hand, social entrepreneurs are those people who cause social change in field of society. All those above definitions state that an entrepreneur is a person who not only starts any sort of business but also leads and encourage changes within the business field. 

Different people have different definition for Entrepreneurs. 

According to Dale tucker an entrepreneur is a person who assures and control of his future. He does this by getting self employed by opening his own business or joining a multi level marketing team. 

While Mark Hendricks states that a person who can meet up different challenges in life regarding business, it may involve winning or losing. He should have capacity to bring up alternatives of results of the competitive business.

Some eligibility to look into a entrepreneur are Planning and organization, capable of handling money, dealing products and ideal, management, capacity to work in team, risk taker, etc.  He should have capacity of assembling and acquirement of particular goals, reservation to move into a commitment. He should be capable of meeting up the work schedules. 

He should have value for money and should maintain records for the funds raised through any source. He should be aware of different techniques in selling the products or ideas. Management skills are must for every entrepreneur. Entrepreneur should be risk taker in world of business while he should also have capacity to influence people and work in team. 

Jose Amoros

Alternative Options To Overcome Shyness

Experts say that it is only common for people to feel shyness, anxiety and defeat if life has been giving them so many tests and trials. 

However, instead of feeling depressed and sulking into the taste of defeat be because of being too shy, people can use this as an opportunity to make themselves stronger. This can be done by using these emotions and experiences to motivate his or herself in battling with shyness. 

Options in dealing with shyness 

Today, with modern technology and continuous advancement in research, overcoming shyness could be fast and easy. All one needs to do is to gather enough willpower to face his or her fear and the willingness to overcome that fear no matter what it takes. 

Once the final diagnosis has been made by the psychologist, the person who has extreme shyness can now start with treatments depending in the severity of the phobia. Nowadays, the most common treatment options available in overcoming shyness include drug therapy, natural remedies, and various relaxation techniques. 

Each of these offer different concepts and processes so it's up to the person which one could be suitable to his or her needs. 

The drug therapy could be the mildest form of treatment available for people who are starting in overcoming extreme shyness. Once diagnosis is made by the psychologist or psychiatrist, the most common drug prescription that they give include benzodiazepines and other relaxant drugs which are proven to control the symptoms of the phobia for a certain period of time. Although some can be bought over the counter, always remember to check with your health provider which drugs may help you overcome what your fear in dealing with others. Their approval and prescription is very important because these will ensure that the problem will not get more complicated. 

If you want to go the natural way, there are certain natural remedies that can be made or taken at home to help you control anxiety attacks during social events. These herbs include St John’s Wort, Scullcap, Passiflora incarnate, and Valerian are recommended because these are believed to help calm the person's nerves while extreme shyness attacks. Because these contain properties that help people to relax, many are trying this treatment option. But since herbal or natural remedies don’t necessarily have clinical approval, it is best to test first the effects of these herbs before you finally use it. 

Since anxiety is the main culprit for shyness, people who are experiencing this are advised to various techniques that would help them relax such as meditation and deep breathing as well as muscle relaxation. People who are afraid to socialize are advised to practice these techniques at home so once they have mastered it; they can try using these relaxation methods as often as possible.

Learning these techniques is important because it will help the person reduce his or her anxiety, relieve the tension brought by the fear, and enable that person to take off his or her mind into untoward things such as embarrassment in front of a person or a crowd. 

Jose Amoros

Cool Summer Jobs You Can Try

Summer is supposed to be fun, right? But what if you can spend your summer break in such a way that you will not only enjoy and have fun, but you will also earn additional income and experience as well? That would be cool. 

You can do this by getting a summer job. If you have been on a summer job before you probably already know how getting a summer job can be very rewarding, financially but also holistically. 

Yes indeed, summer is the time to relax, take a break from school work and head for the beach or some other holiday destination. But, it is also an excellent time to start earning additional income which you can use for some of your expenses. Who knows, if you find a high-paying summer job, your paycheck may be enough to cover your tuition for the next school year.

For many first-timers, the idea of a summer job can be a bit daunting. You might be visualizing a boring day just sitting in front of a computer or a cash register – no fun at all. But actually, there are probably hundreds of summer jobs out waiting out there that are exciting, fun-filled and very fulfilling. Here are some of cool summer jobs you can look for this season.

Work at a Local or National Park – This is probably the perfect summer job for a nature lover. If you live near a local, state or national park, then you should consider working for them. You can apply as part of the maintenance crew who are responsible for keeping the park clean and orderly. If you are good at conversing with people and have ample knowledge about a certain area, then you can consider a job as a tour guide.

Summer camp counselor – If you like working with kids and you consider teaching and molding young minds as a noble profession, then you should be off to a summer camp. Now you don't have to attend the summer camp but be employed by the camp instead. 

Being a summer camp counselor is a cool summer job and can be very rewarding and even life-changing. It is also a very good addition to your resume which can have a positive impact on your future employers. 

Pool or garden maintenance – If you live in a neighborhood where every house seems to have a garden or a pool, then you try offering your maintenance services. Trust us; if you choose this type of work you will be quite busy in no time at all.

Get on a cruise ship – This is probably the coolest summer job of them all. Many cruise ships offer temporary jobs for students and teenagers over their summer break. If you're lucky enough, you can get to spend your summer on a cruise ship which can take you to many exotic and exciting destinations. This kind of job will not only help you earn additional income, it can also help you save money since most of your expenses on board a ship such as meals, accommodation, healthcare and others, will be taken care of by the cruise ship company. Plus, the wealth of experiences you will gain onboard a ship will be priceless. 

These are just some of the cool summer jobs you can take up this season. There are lots of other cool summer job opportunities available. You can look for them on the internet at employment websites, on newspapers and magazines, by asking your school's student employment center or internship program and even by asking around.

Jose Amoros

Adventure Travel for the Free-Spirited Individual

Adventure tourism is now one of the fastest growing trends in travel business. It started with Leo Le Bon who co-founded the world’s first adventure travel company—Mountain Tours with other eight travel mates. 

Le Bon and others made the first commercial journey to the Annapurna region of Nepal. Since then, the travel business grew rapidly resulting to a plethora of travel companies that offer adventure vacations.

Classifying an adventure travel however pose a little difficulty in defining what exactly it means. Adventure travel depends on the level of strenuousness of activities involved. Adventure may involve leisure biking and hiking for some travelers or it may entail base jumping into an underground cave in Mexico. 

Nevertheless, a travel involves some fundamental aspects to be classified as adventure. Adventure travel typically includes going to far-flung areas, intermingling with various cultures, and doing a physical activity.

Two categories of adventure travel are hard and soft adventures. 

Hard adventures fall under extreme and mostly dangerous sporting activity. Examples of hard adventures are rock climbing, surfing, paragliding, and scuba diving in remote locations. Soft adventures, on the other hand, are leisure activities that are often educational. It does not involve strenuous activity unlike hard adventures. Bird watching, religious pilgrimages and architectural tours fall under soft adventures.

But you might wonder who usually embark on an adventure travel? 

Travel Industry Association of America’s (TIA) study indicated an estimated 20 percent of adult travelers are adventure tourists. It is also parallel to The Wall Street Journal reporting in 2003 that revenues from adventure tourism has skyrocketed topping the adventure market with $245 million dollars.

While many studies say college-educated males in their 20s typically embark on hard adventures, it is harder to categorize people who go for soft adventures. They say baby boomers and seniors significantly affect the rise of number of soft travelers. 

However, adventure-seeking women have also substantially caused the continuous growing of the industry. For example, divorcees ages 40 and 60 usually turn to adventure travel as a shift into new lives.

In addition, adventure travels are physically and psychologically beneficial both men and women. Physical challenges like mountain climbing require both physical fitness and focus. It develops muscles as well as serves as an excellent mental workout. Achieving difficult tasks also help build self-esteem especially for people in midlife crisis.

There are several options to what kind of adventure travel fits a specific type of person. But you should determine first how adventurous you would like to be. A travel agency may actually help steer you through the multitude choices that you will face.

Sports-themed vacations are well-liked for athletes. Examples of these are baseball fantasy camps and NASCAR driving schools. 

Safari is one example of soft adventures popular to many of varying ages. This may involve driving and walking through the African plains and come into close contact with lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo. 

Longtime popular destinations are the Seven Wonders of World that include biking and hiking to these locales. Some of the world wonders include pyramids of Egypt, expedition to Antarctica, cultural tour in Japan and Ethiopia, the Great Wall of China, and Taj Mahal in India.

If you opt to have an adventure travel however, be sure to be safe as much as possible. Take note that adventure travel has inherent danger involved.

Jose Amoros

Real Vegetarian Thai

Asian people have long known that living off the land and eating a vegetarian diet is a real and plausible way to live a healthy lifestyle.  No one knows this better than the Thai people.  However, they do still like to use a lot of meat in their recipes which makes it difficult to find real Thai meals that are truly vegetarian.

There is a woman who has spent a lot of time in Thailand – three years to be exact – as a Peace Corps volunteer.  Her name is Nancie McDermott, and she is well known as a food writer and cooking teacher who specializes in Thai cuisine.  As a vegetarian herself, she spent a lot of her time in Thailand trying to come up with ways to make the food she was eating everyday meatless and conducive to her vegetarian lifestyle.  What she came up with ended up in a great cookbook called “Real Vegetarian Thai” and has become a best seller all over the world.

So many people love Thai food, but it's not easy to find truly meatless dishes. Thai cooking expert Nancie McDermott has developed inventive variations on traditional recipes, providing health-conscious cooks with a repertoire of meatless dishes that captures the vibrant spirit of Thailand. 

A helpful glossary introduces readers to the seemingly mysterious yet widely available ingredients and equipment used in Thai cooking and offers tips for finding or substituting them. With an emphasis on the classic techniques, ingredients, and flavors of Thai cuisine, this groundbreaking cookbook provides one hundred delicious recipes for everyday meals and special occasions.

“Real Vegetarian Thai” has become one of the prominent cookbooks on the market when it comes to Asian cuisine and it is used by some of America’s top chefs as the definitive guidebook toward producing great Thai food that will keep with the vegetarian lifestyle.  Ms. McDermott has published a gem of a book that makes people realize that they can enjoy all types of ethnic foods without giving up on their choice of eating style – especially the vegetarian diet.

This book has so many great recipes for just about any palate. 

Sometimes the recipes can look a little daunting and complicated, but it assumes you're using all fresh ingredients, which you don't always have to. Basically, once you take the time to create a few of the "staple" ingredients in this book (red and green curry paste are essential), you can make just about anything in here quickly and cheaply. And it's GOOD! 

Check out “Real Vegetarian Thai” and be well on your way to cooking some amazing Thai food within minutes – and all meatless to boot!  What could be better?

Jose Amoros

Choose the Right Wheelchair Lift Manufacturer

The best thing that a handicapped person can do to improve his or her mobility is to get a wheelchair lift. For people, who because of their condition, finds it risky and difficult to climb up and won stairs, they should consider buying a wheelchair stair lift. 

Getting a home wheelchair stair lift is definitely much cheaper than moving into a one story house. Not all people are willing to move to a new residence just because of a disability or a handicap. 

If you are serious about buying a wheelchair lift, it is highly advisable that you seek professional advice. This is because wheelchair lifts are machines that can be initially confusing to operate. So it is better to find someone who can explain to you the technicalities of the wheelchair lift operations in layman’s terms so you would easily understand them. One of the best people to ask about wheelchair lift is an occupational therapist.  

Of course, you can always ask the manufacturers of wheelchair lifts. Because they make wheelchair lifts, they are sure to have all the answers to your questions. 

In buying a wheelchair lift, it is advisable to go to at least three manufacturers before making a purchase. This is because wheelchair lifts may vary in functions and price. So it is wise to make research before you buy one. It is also advisable that you determine your budget and your needs before buying a wheelchair lift. 

Doing research about wheelchair lifts and about their manufacturers can also help protect you from unscrupulous individuals who are just after making a fast buck. Unfortunately, there are manufacturer that are seemingly taking advantage of the misfortunes of other individuals. 

The best manufacturers of wheelchair lifts mostly have demonstration centers where you can actually see their products at work. Some of this demonstration center would even allow you to test the devices yourself. 

Wheelchair lift technology has definitely improved in recent years. 

But of course, some wheelchair manufacturers are more technologically advanced than other. It is up to you, of course if you want to pay extra for advanced technology or not. 

You should also consider maintenance cost when buying wheelchair lifts. Most reputable manufacturers would provide free maintenance for your wheelchair lifts. You should also ask about the availability of spare parts. This would make it easier to fix the wheelchair lift if ever it breaks down.

Jose Amoros

Success Stories About Premium Bonds

Premium bonds are a great way to invest for your future. Not only do you get the chance to store your money in a secure environment bu...