Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Classified Ads Bring Free Traffic

Newspapers are what we typically associate with the standard classified ad. However, Internet classified ads can be far more effective at sales and generating traffic to your website. Classified ads on the web give people instant gratification when they choose to buy or click a link, unlike a newspaper. They can reach people all over the world, and not in a small subscription area. 

They provide a way to advertise online giving you the option to use affiliates. If you find a way to attach a classified ad to an Internet portal that already has a large audience, your classified ad online has far more power than just a newspaper classified ad, and it can also get you backlinks and point people to your website from larger portals, increasing traffic.

How To Write Effective Classified Ads

In order for your ad to work online, it has to follow some basic rules of online marketing. You won't have a whole lot of time to capture someone's attention and you will also have stiff competition for available eyeballs. So, make sure to always follow some basic guidelines to give your classifed ad the maximum chance of being noticed.
Headlines That Pop!

Headlines are important for various reasons. Search engines weight titles very heavily, so if you don't put in an accurate and popular headline, it may end up showing near the bottom of the list. The other reason headlines are important is that they are the first thing a person reads when scrolling down the results of a search engine result page. If you don't have a headline that pops right out and grabs the reader in their chair, it will not be as noticed as if you did. 

You do want to describe what you are promoting in the title, but it should in said in such a way that it begs the viewer to click into the link to read more. So, instead of "office supplies for sale" you would write: "Top Business People Organize Their Lives With Our Office Products!" In this way, you not only say you have office supplies for sale, but the main benefit implied is that their business will grow if they buy from you. So, add a benefit, describe the product, and make them want to read the rest of your classified ad.

Be Brief

The classified ad is not a sales page. Most experts believe that the longer the sales page, the better the probability of overcoming any objections a buyer might have. However, the classified ad is not a sales page. It can be the introduction to a more indepth sales page, it can be used to generate a contacts list, but it also can be a very brief way to advertise some product or service which is sold instantly at the click of a button. It's up to you how you will be using the ad, but it should remain long enough to get your point across and brief enough not to lose someone's attention.

What works very well in classified ads are bulleted lists of benefits. This way a person can quickly review why they want to buy your product or click to go to the link your website in a very short amount of time. You should vary the font and provide sufficient white space so that the classified at is visually appealing and easy to read. The ad should be less than 100 words long for it to be quickly effective. Don't forget to use your keywords even here!
Add Pictures

If the site allows you to add pictures, do so. The ads are much more noticeable with an icon next to the title than without and they make a bigger impact with pictures inside too. If you are selling a physical product people will want to see you wares before they decide to buy. So, it's also important to have pictures of the items you are selling so as to generate enthusiasm and excitement for the purchase.
Post Online

Once you have a good idea of what you're going to say and how you're going to say it to attract attention, you want to identify different areas online that allow classified ads. They should be sites with large audiences that promote classified ads or that make them easily searchable. Some places online that offer free classified ads are and In other areas, like eBay, they do offer classified ads but they charge for them. We will discuss some featured sites for classified ads in the next segment.

Posting your classified ad is not a one-time affair. You will want to have a regular schedule to keep posting the ad, at least weekly, so as to keep it visible. Otherwise, it will rapidly be buried by other people posting classified ads and your ad will be old, stale, and practically invisible.


Elicit The Right Feelings To Build Traffic

If you think buying is not an emotional experience, you are mistaken! Every word in sales copy is amplified when it triggers an emotional response and can be the difference between copy that excites the imagination of the potential buyer and that which deadens it. When you engage the buyer's imagination they can even begin to imagine what it's like to own the product you are selling and it stirs up the flames of desire for possessing it. 

It is true that if you want to sell, you want to sell by impacting the emotions of your potential buyer. Even though you know that the final decision may be justified through logic, the initial way to get by the mind that will think up all sorts of objections to the sale is to appeal to the emotions.

The Strategy

When you are advertising your products or services you will want to pay close attention to the words you choose. Words are powerful tools on the Internet that you can use to frame the way a person perceives not only the value of your product, but also the experience of possible ownership. Words tell stories that inform your readers about how this product or service solved a problem for some other buyer. Stories can pull a buyer into identifying with the other buyers and help them to visualize their own problems being solved, their lives getting easier or better for having made the purchase.

You will want to pick words that not only tell a vivid story, however, you will also want to use words that influence the buyer's feelings and gives them favorable impressions. It's really not that hard to do. People have a variety of automatic emotional responses to different words. All you have to do is find out which words create the best results and implement them in your sales copy.

You want to create a sales environment that puts people into an emotional mindset. Why? The simple reason is to bypass the logical mind long enough to make the sale. Sure, the final decision to buy will need to be justified with solid benefits, but that's not typically the reason a person ends up making the decision to buy. They may not even be aware that many of their buying decisions are based on how they feel about a product rather than what they think about it. 

People actually feel thrills when they buy and that thrill acts as a beacon to get them to buy again. Yet, when they are asked why they buy a particular product, they don't talk about how they feel - that's rather personal! Instead, they list the benefits. That's because when people are asked to justify a purchase, the mind automatically kicks in, even if they made the decision based solely on how they felt at the time of purchase.

Your online advertising has to tell a story that will elicit a feeling of excitement about what your prospect will see themselves feeling about your offering.


Does More Website Traffic Continue To Elude You?

You wonder why more website traffic continues to elude you. So you beef up your efforts like never before, in a desperate attempt to bring in more visitors. But perhaps the real problem is not the lack of new faces to your site. Maybe it has more to do with why you’re not taking more care of the potential customers you’ve already got.

How do you nurture those who sign up for your list – and why should you do it?

Well, apart from being a nice guy who really cares about them, let me remind you what happens, when you start to discuss a TV show you enjoy with your friends…

Say you all love fishing; and you discover you all love watching “Fishing the Flats,” with Henry Waschuk.  You don’t need any encouragement to agree how great the show is, or how much you enjoy his fishing tips, the recipe the chef provides – and the incredible variety of amazing fish found off the Florida Keys, or further down South.

Do you love the show for his obvious skill and the things you learn there? Partly – because he really is skillful, and the show has a great, well-designed format, packed with value.

But it’s more than just the tips, or Henry Waschuk’s skill, that makes you feel like you’ve had a mini fishing vacation, when you take that half hour to watch it on Sunday mornings… 

It’s More Than Just The Tips, Or The Expertise

… It’s Henry’s enthusiasm. His passion, his joy – and how he so obviously lives for the sport! He’s like a little kid always caught in  Christmas Day (in the warm, sunny Florida coastal waters) – and what’s more, he’s the sort of outgoing, friendly kid who lives to share his best presents with you.

(Even his chef – who so quickly shows you that fabulous, mouth-watering fresh-catch recipe – mirrors that enthusiasm and keeps the mood – and the party - flowing right along.)

How long has it been, since you brought that sense of joy and adventure to your website? How long since you shared your toys with absolute wonder and gleeful delight? Or do you calculate, plot, weigh consequences – and dole out content to your reader, inch by reluctant inch?

You need to give them a reason to really want to come back to your website. You want them running up your driveway, every Sunday morning, eager to see what you’ve got to share, like Henry, today.

Rediscover What Made It Fun

That’s the missing lure you may need to put back into your marketing strategy, to get more traffic. Make the most of the readers you’ve got – and they’ll do the work for you!

That example I used about “Fishing the Flats” was a real one. As we sat there and discussed it, we quickly found out four people in our midst hadn’t yet discovered the show – but after listening to us, they quickly became avid fans! 

Just think  - if that happened with 400 groups, each gaining 4 more subscribers in 4 weeks – that TV show would have 1,600 new viewers per week.

And if those 1,600 new viewers go out and 400 of them get into conversations with other fishing buddies… well, you can already see where I’m going with this, I’m sure.

So look for those two qualities – genuine enthusiasm and generosity in sharing a passion – in your marketing journey. If they’re not there in yours, step back. Take a “vacation” for yourself until you rediscover what lights you up like Henry Waschuk, before you take another step.

After all, why kill yourself, working night and day to drag in new visitors – when your enjoyment could be the missing key element helping your current subscribers haul in an even greater catch!


Are You Brave Enough For A Litte Website Traffic Promotion?

You’ve applied all the usual rules of website traffic promotion, and you’re getting respectable results… But there’s a product launch (your first) you’ve got looming towards you, a couple of weeks or so from now. 

What you’d really like to do is create some buzz, and have people sitting up, ears attuned, when they hear your name or see your face.

You want them to know who you are. In fact, your whole campaign depends upon it!

If you’re outgoing to begin with, and don’t mind making a noisy splash, there’s one strategy you might enjoy trying…

You Don’t Have To Fall Out Of Your Limo

When comedienne Kathy Griffin arrived in England, nobody there knew her at all. She was quite aware of this, and came up with several strategies to change this, in advance.

So what did she do (after making sure the press would be there to see her arrive at her hotel?)  

She fell out of her limo – and reporters rushed to snap the newsworthy sight! 

I’m still not sure if she copied it from a movie, or TV – or if they copied her!  But the point is, for Griffin, this strategy work.  Newspapers and tabloids loved the shot, and the chance to poke fun at a celebrity – and by the time her first gig came around, she had:

  Something to open with and talk about
  Recognition and acceptance as a celebrity from most of the members of her audience

Now, you don’t have to fall out of your limo… but you can incite attention-getting buzz by thinking up an equally public way to guarantee you get your name in lights. (Exactly how, I’ll leave up to creative, outgoing you!)

Just make sure you pay attention to one crucial detail, and you can reap results as spectacular as Kathy Griffin did, on that occasion. And, depending what media-grabbing stunt you decide on, it can get you attention on:

  Social Networking forums
  Your affiliate sites

Just make very sure your website and USP are firmly connected to it – and you’re sure to set your name in internet marketing lights!


4 Website Promotion Tips You Can Customize To Your Market

You’re always looking for website promotion tips to help you increase interest in – and visitors to – your website.

Here are 4 great website promotion tips you may not yet have tried…

1.  Create your own calendar of significant days coming up in your niche – and be sure to include offline events, as well as trade shows, marketing conferences and anniversaries.  Add these events to your sales funnel, and think up promotions, posts or social media campaigns you can initiate, at the perfect point in advance. 

For example, if everyone is going to Florida for the Big Bust-Out Bonanza conference, with 52 mega-stars from your industry scheduled to attend and present, set up interviews with as many of the mega-stars as you can. (Even if only one or two say “yes”, you can play it up to your list, social networks and forum buddies, telling them to spread the word.

2. Add that calendar in plain sight on your actual main blog or website – and people will get in the habit of visiting to cross-check dates and information, too. 

3. Add mini-press releases – ones about twice the size of a Twitter Post – in a Text Widget in your Sidebar… and keep them coming back for juicy news titbits too. (You can be your own personal Reuters service, on steroids!)

4. Give your updates and calendar watch a catchy, punchy title. Tweet about it and talk it up in casual Facebook conversations.  Remember to create a buzz… so they’ll create buzz for you.
Follow it up, when the next Big Event Calendar day approaches, by announcing a related Product Launch – or give a Special Discount off products you’ve already created.

The truth is, you can not only increase site traffic with visitors who develop the habit of regularly dropping at your website – even if it’s only for your handy “market pulse” calendar – you can increase your sales, and web credibility too. 

It will get you in the habit of constantly thinking about promotion opportunities you can create. And doing that is the best website promotion tip I could give you!

3 Potent Offline Ways To Help Increase Site Traffic

You already know about putting your signature link on your business card – and sure that might have helped increase site traffic – but there are 3 potent offline methods you may simply have never considered yet.

Using A Local Marketing PR Firm

Many of them are run by skilled single agents – and although good ones won’t dance for a penny, their services may not be as out of reach (or non-cost-effective) as you might think.

A local Marketing Consultant has her pulse on all the buzz. She knows every resource, probably has ideas about where to promote you – and all that even before you’ve taken off your coat and ordered your coffee.

A basic rule of business is to expend your energy where your money-making skills lie. So you can be focusing on those areas, leaving your Marketing PR consultant free to do what she does best – promote you and drive people to your sites.

Consider Local TV

We’ve all been used to thinking of TV and glossy magazine advertising as something only the Big Leagues can afford – and, in general, that’s certainly true.

But did you know that advertising with your local TV station can be surprisingly affordable?  As well as building your visibility as a “celebrity” – and even in just your own home town, you’d be surprised how far that goes!

One advantage: Local newspaper editors are much more inclined to print your press releases, if they know you’re seen on TV (and trust me, they know!)

And now there’s been a press release stating that Google will act as an advertising broker between local TV and NBC. According to the terms of the deal, Google advertisers will be able to buy ads on 6 cable networks owned by NBC (including Oxygen, MSNBC, Sci-Fi and CNBC. (This is actually history – it’s the first time Google has ever brokered ads via a television network!)

Offer A Weekend Workshop To Your Community College

Now this may not sound as exciting as your own local TV ad, or as workload-relieving as a simply hiring a Marketing Consultant or local PR firm – but offering a workshop to your Community College is a long term status and traffic increasing strategy every online business person should use! 

Draw up a solid proposal, find out who to contact and make your pitch. (After all, you do that online every day, right?)

Yes, you’ll put work into it, I guarantee – and you may not get immediate clients from your actual class. But I guarantee, you’ll learn far more than you teach, and it will open you up to brilliant ideas for your market (providing your workshop subject was actually relevant!)

And it’s another great opportunity to increase website traffic by sending out press releases – both to offline sources like local newspapers and trade magazines, and to online paid and free PR services (like PRWeb).

The thing about a little work: The more you do, and the more enthusiastically you put into it, the more you’ll notice benefits returning to you… So stay positive, stay proactive, make the most of every online and offline opportunity – and watch your credibility and business repuatation grow.

Success Stories About Premium Bonds

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