Newspapers are what we typically associate with the standard classified ad. However, Internet classified ads can be far more effective at sales and generating traffic to your website. Classified ads on the web give people instant gratification when they choose to buy or click a link, unlike a newspaper. They can reach people all over the world, and not in a small subscription area. They provide a way to advertise online giving you the option to use affiliates. If you find a way to attach a classified ad to an Internet portal that already has a large audience, your classified ad online has far more power than just a newspaper classified ad, and it can also get you backlinks and point people to your website from larger portals, increasing traffic. How To Write Effective Classified Ads In order for your ad to work online, it has to follow some basic rules of online marketing. You won't have a whole lot of time to capture someone's attention and you will also have ...
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