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Are You Brave Enough For A Litte Website Traffic Promotion?

You’ve applied all the usual rules of website traffic promotion, and you’re getting respectable results… But there’s a product launch (your first) you’ve got looming towards you, a couple of weeks or so from now. 

What you’d really like to do is create some buzz, and have people sitting up, ears attuned, when they hear your name or see your face.

You want them to know who you are. In fact, your whole campaign depends upon it!

If you’re outgoing to begin with, and don’t mind making a noisy splash, there’s one strategy you might enjoy trying…

You Don’t Have To Fall Out Of Your Limo

When comedienne Kathy Griffin arrived in England, nobody there knew her at all. She was quite aware of this, and came up with several strategies to change this, in advance.

So what did she do (after making sure the press would be there to see her arrive at her hotel?)  

She fell out of her limo – and reporters rushed to snap the newsworthy sight! 

I’m still not sure if she copied it from a movie, or TV – or if they copied her!  But the point is, for Griffin, this strategy work.  Newspapers and tabloids loved the shot, and the chance to poke fun at a celebrity – and by the time her first gig came around, she had:

  Something to open with and talk about
  Recognition and acceptance as a celebrity from most of the members of her audience

Now, you don’t have to fall out of your limo… but you can incite attention-getting buzz by thinking up an equally public way to guarantee you get your name in lights. (Exactly how, I’ll leave up to creative, outgoing you!)

Just make sure you pay attention to one crucial detail, and you can reap results as spectacular as Kathy Griffin did, on that occasion. And, depending what media-grabbing stunt you decide on, it can get you attention on:

  Social Networking forums
  Your affiliate sites

Just make very sure your website and USP are firmly connected to it – and you’re sure to set your name in internet marketing lights!



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