Sunday, December 1, 2019

Candida Yeast Infection Treatment : Desensitization (EPD ) For Candida

There is a relatively effective though one-dimensional treatment for candida yeast infection called immunotherapy. In this treatment yeast infection patients are ordered to avoid the consumption of basically all yeasty foods and sugary foods and are given allergenic substances in dilute doses normally in the form of oral drops or injection to enhance the immune abilities of the body and reduce the allergic response.

The method also called Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) was developed by Len McEwen, M.D. (London) in the mid-60's. The newest form of this treatment is called Low Dose Allergens or LDA.

In this treatment the patients receive up to three injections every two months and for a maximum period of two years, depending on the patients response to the therapy. The enzymes are suppose to enhance the candida infection strength and may treat several other groups of allergens along the way.

The EPD treatment for candida yeast infection goes like this:

For a period of ten days before the first injection, the patients are given Sporanox, which is an anti fungal for systematic candida, and De-Nol an anti- gastric ulcer agent that reduces the ability of candida to plant its roots in the mucus linings of the intestinal tract.

For approximately 3 days before the injection, patients undergo a semi-fast in which they need to avoid the consumption of all food allergens combined with the intake of the following supplements that improve the effectiveness of the EPD treatment: Zinc, Folic acid and Vitamin D3.

The response of the EPD treatment for candida yeast infection varies among patients. Some patients may experience sudden and dramatic improvement that wears off in time while some need increased doses through longer intervals until improvement is maintained.

Either way, EPD is not a permanent solution for candida. EPD is after all a one-dimensional treatment that focuses merely on the dietary and allergy reaction factor that trigger candida overgrowth. EPD’s effects wear off in time and If you have significant gut problems, bacterial infections, parasites or systematic candida, EPD will not work.

The only way one can ever overcome candida yeast infection is by tackling all candida-contributing factors, the holistic way, not just the dietary or allergy triggering factors. By fixing the internal cause of candida overgrowth, all candida related symptoms would banish, permanently along with the feeling of increased energy, improved vision, health and well-being.

Jose Amoros

Diabetes may cause halitosis

Although bad breath is a common health concern, individuals with diabetes are especially prone to symptoms of unpleasant oral odor. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, and other oral-health issues like gum disease are increasingly prevalent among those with diabetes.

Diabetes is an endocrine disorder that inhibits the body's ability to use blood sugar. Bad breath is one of the many health complications that diabetics experience. Diabetes-related bad breath is generally caused by periodontal disease and high levels of ketones in the blood.

Recent research estimates that one in three individuals with diabetes will also experience gum disease, also called periodontal disease. This is because diabetes can impair blood flow throughout your body, including to your gums. Without an adequate supply of blood, the mouth and gums are more prone to infection and quickly develop an unpleasant odor. Periodontal diseases also lead to inflammation, which can hinder metabolism and increase blood sugar, worsening the effects of diabetes.

In addition, high ketone levels in the blood can also occur with diabetes and can lead to bad breath. Without insulin, the body cannot receive the necessary glucose to power its metabolic activity. To compensate for this lack of fuel, the body begins to burn fat instead, which produces ketones as a byproduct in blood and urine. High ketone levels can create a nail-polish-like odor on your breath. If ketones rise to critical levels, the body can enter diabetic ketoacidosis, which involves sweet, fruity-smelling breath and dangerously elevated blood-glucose levels.

To combat bad breath that is caused by diabetes, first make sure that your diabetes is controlled under medical supervision. 

Uncontrolled diabetes can have severe side effects like ketoacidosis, which may be life-threatening. Once your condition is under control, the effects of bad breath are often less severe. To prevent gum disease and other oral-health concerns, maintain a good oral-hygiene routine of brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue after every meal or snack, flossing daily, and seeing your dentist at least twice a year for routine cleanings and exams.

Jose Amoros

Your Browser – Cyber Security’s 1st Line of Defense

Nowadays, many people seemed to have forgotten the importance (and the inherent dangers) of their computer’s browser. They forgot that the browser, per se, works like a two-way street. It is where cyber security should police the two-way cyber traffic.

A web browser’s main job is to find and display web pages. From there, it makes possible the “communication” between your computer and the web server where a site is located. 

Cyber security risks

But, your browser is also – and this is the dangerous part – the gateway of the cyber world into your computer. And, not all of the things from the Internet going inside your computer are good. Some are downright risky.

Today’s browser is sophisticated enough, through the years of innovation, to handle the multiple applications needed to surf the Internet. Many of these try to boost up and heighten the surfing experience by enabling your browser’s functionalities. 

But sometimes, these functionalities are not needed and they can leave your computer vulnerable. It is therefore safe to disable them until they are needed. 

In a perfect world, one should set one’s browser security to the highest level possible. But these settings may restrict the functionality of other features and prevents some web pages to load properly. The best compromise solution would be to set your browser to the highest security level (to prevent attacks) but at the same time enabling some features to work when you need them. 

Today’s many browsers are mostly graphical browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, AOL, Opera, Safari for the Macintosh, and Lynx for the visually-impaired users.) These are capable of playing video and audio clips, aside from displaying texts and graphics. Most have user-friendly tabs and options in choosing your preferred security level setting. 

It is important to know and be familiar with your browser and how it is different from the others.  It will come in handy when you evaluate and determine the features and setting most appropriate for your use.

For instance, to explore the basic security options in Windows’ Internet Explorer, you click Tools on the menu bar, select Internet Options, choose the Security tab, and click the Custom level. In Firefox, you click Tools first, select Options, and then click Content Privacy and Security tabs. The others have their own path systems.

Choosing your browser

Security should be paramount in choosing your browser. But, of course, given one’s particular needs in surfing and using the Internet, other considerations are just as important. Sometimes, a browser comes packaged with the operating system. It should not limit, however, your choice.

Compatibility – does your browser work with the OS (operating system) of your computer?

Ease – are you comfortable and familiar with the options, menus, system of your browser?

Function –will it still work if other plug-ins or other devices are installed?

Appeal – do you like how your browser looks and works?

Functionalities - Your browser should be able to give you the option of putting web sites into different segments, or zones, and define different security restrictions for each. The best protection should be to set the security to the highest level, or maintain it at a medium level.

If you know of some sites which can be classified as trusted, you can set your browser setting accordingly. You may require them to implement SSL or Secure Sockets Layer so you can verify if they are what they claim to be.  Note, however, that it is good to avoid lowering your security levels with them. If they are attacked, you might be included.

You may restrict particular sites you are not sure of. Prevention is always the best cure for any disease, real-life or online.

Be careful about your Java and ActiveX controls. These scripts, used to achieve certain appearances or functionality, can be used in attacking your computer. This is also true about Plug-ins, those additional software that enhances the function of some programs. Make sure that the sites that installing them are trustworthy.

For safety, it is advisable to disable Cookies and enable them only if the site you trust requires them. 

Cyber Security starts first in your browser. It is best that you start the safeguarding process from there, your computer’s door to the wide, wild world of cyber space.

Jose Amoros

Website Traffic Monitoring Made Easier

Those of you who indulge in website traffic monitoring may remember’s  useful page strength tool… and while it did nothing to actually increase site traffic in itself, of course, it did at least provide a powerful analysis of where your site needed to be strengthened.  Its most important function lay in mirroring the way Google ranked sites. Qualities it rated included the relative value of a page, as well as its internet visibility.

It’s been a while now since SEOMoz replaced it with their Trifecta tool. Fans were dubious, and even after the Trifecta tool started to show promising strength, the jury was still whispering behind closed virtual doors.

Many felt like Tolkien’s famous wizard, Gandalf, on the subject of breaking things on over-zealous quests to find out what makes them work; and even though Gandalf was no internet marketer, I thought, at first, he did have a point.

But I soon forgave SEOMoz, after trying the pleasing selection of (mostly) free SEO tools they’ve provided – along with the new Trifecta tool – on its page. 

Here’s a short run-down of what you’ll find:

Linkscape – a  potent “in-link” tool, powered by SEOMoz’ patent-pending metrics. 

Term Target – analyzes your page (or your competitor’s) to see how well-targeted it is towards the keyword you specify.

Crawl Test – helps you discover what Search Bots “trip” over on your site. Elements it dissects are your Title tags, presence in Search Engine indices, cache dates, and HTTP response code. (N.B. You need to be one of their PRO subscribers, before you can use this particular tool.)

Term Extractor – A little reverse-engineering, anyone? The Term Extractor analyzes any page’s content, extracting SEO-targeted terms. (You can drag the link to your browser toolbar: A time-saving feature, if it’s a site you want to check often.)

Backlink Analysis Tool – Gives you an “advanced” look at the keywords linked to you by other sites.

SEOMoz Firefox Toolbar – If you’re a blogger, you’ll most likely have this one. It attempts to harness Linkscape’s thunder.  Many swear by it – but I find it “messy”.

Rank Tracker – the really quick way to monitor and track your rank in all major Search Engines (including Bing and Yahoo, as well Google!)

Popular Searches – Archives, as well as aggregates, the most popular Searches from multiple sources (handy for niche generation ideas!)

Juicy Link Finder – The quickest way to find “authority” sites for your keyword!

GeoTargeting Detection – Good if your site is optimized for a local area or target country. You can check to see how well it’s optimized to your areas of interest.

Keyword Difficulty – This tool gives you an actual percentage score and detailed analysis of the top-ranking Google and Yahoo sites. Helps you decide how competitive a keyword might actually be.

SEOMoz Labs – Fascinating to visit, but suited to SEO developers more than users. It’s geared to their PRO subscribers.

But what do I actually think of the Trifecta tool, compared to the old Page Strength one? 

Well… I’ve decided this one case where old Gandalf should have gone ahead and smashed the clock!

Jose Amoros

Success Stories About Premium Bonds

Premium bonds are a great way to invest for your future. Not only do you get the chance to store your money in a secure environment bu...