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Website Traffic Monitoring Made Easier

Those of you who indulge in website traffic monitoring may remember’s  useful page strength tool… and while it did nothing to actually increase site traffic in itself, of course, it did at least provide a powerful analysis of where your site needed to be strengthened.  Its most important function lay in mirroring the way Google ranked sites. Qualities it rated included the relative value of a page, as well as its internet visibility.

It’s been a while now since SEOMoz replaced it with their Trifecta tool. Fans were dubious, and even after the Trifecta tool started to show promising strength, the jury was still whispering behind closed virtual doors.

Many felt like Tolkien’s famous wizard, Gandalf, on the subject of breaking things on over-zealous quests to find out what makes them work; and even though Gandalf was no internet marketer, I thought, at first, he did have a point.

But I soon forgave SEOMoz, after trying the pleasing selection of (mostly) free SEO tools they’ve provided – along with the new Trifecta tool – on its page. 

Here’s a short run-down of what you’ll find:

Linkscape – a  potent “in-link” tool, powered by SEOMoz’ patent-pending metrics. 

Term Target – analyzes your page (or your competitor’s) to see how well-targeted it is towards the keyword you specify.

Crawl Test – helps you discover what Search Bots “trip” over on your site. Elements it dissects are your Title tags, presence in Search Engine indices, cache dates, and HTTP response code. (N.B. You need to be one of their PRO subscribers, before you can use this particular tool.)

Term Extractor – A little reverse-engineering, anyone? The Term Extractor analyzes any page’s content, extracting SEO-targeted terms. (You can drag the link to your browser toolbar: A time-saving feature, if it’s a site you want to check often.)

Backlink Analysis Tool – Gives you an “advanced” look at the keywords linked to you by other sites.

SEOMoz Firefox Toolbar – If you’re a blogger, you’ll most likely have this one. It attempts to harness Linkscape’s thunder.  Many swear by it – but I find it “messy”.

Rank Tracker – the really quick way to monitor and track your rank in all major Search Engines (including Bing and Yahoo, as well Google!)

Popular Searches – Archives, as well as aggregates, the most popular Searches from multiple sources (handy for niche generation ideas!)

Juicy Link Finder – The quickest way to find “authority” sites for your keyword!

GeoTargeting Detection – Good if your site is optimized for a local area or target country. You can check to see how well it’s optimized to your areas of interest.

Keyword Difficulty – This tool gives you an actual percentage score and detailed analysis of the top-ranking Google and Yahoo sites. Helps you decide how competitive a keyword might actually be.

SEOMoz Labs – Fascinating to visit, but suited to SEO developers more than users. It’s geared to their PRO subscribers.

But what do I actually think of the Trifecta tool, compared to the old Page Strength one? 

Well… I’ve decided this one case where old Gandalf should have gone ahead and smashed the clock!

Jose Amoros


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