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A Sprinkle of Salty Fun in Saltwater Aquarium

Having a saltwater aquarium can be fun and rewarding or can be upsetting if a person lacks knowledge on the proper and right ways of taking care of fish especially in the saltwater aquarium.

Setting up one requires some equipment to be used for the success of your saltwater aquarium. 

Filters and air pump are some of the most important facilities. 

Some decorations can be added such as sand and gravels, which sometimes varies in different colors. You can also include plastic or real plants, castle or miniatures ship and other fancy decorations in the aquarium, but just be very careful that it won’t clutter inside. 

Light is also essential in saltwater aquarium for the enhancement of the color of the aquarium and especially the fishes survival.

Saltwater aquarium requires three types of filtration. One is the Biological filtration, which involves the removal of the bacteria, which is often created by the fish on its activities, and processes that it undergoes inside the tank. Second, the chemical filtration that is more on the removing of the discoloration and chemicals on the water that harms the fish inside the tank. Third, is the mechanical filtration, which deals more with the removal of the visible materials floating on the aquarium such as uneaten fish foods, wastes of the fishes and other squanders floating or at the bottom of the saltwater aquarium, and this job is commonly done by the net.

There are many considerations regarding the proper ways in keeping the fish alive in a saltwater aquarium, unlike freshwater aquariums; saltwater aquarium is more difficult to set up. One very good example is mixing saltwater. We must remember that water evaporates while the salt is left, which means that the salinity of the water on the tank always varies, which can cause harm especially on the fishes inside the aquarium. A hydrometer may help you track the salinity of the water and add some salt to get the right salinity content of the water.

Beginners can set up their saltwater aquarium depending on what they like. You can just put fish only in the aquarium, or fish with full reef ambience, or whatever design you want, as long as it you make sure that the fish inside the aquarium would be able to survive.

Experienced aquarists and experts say that we must always find the perfect place for the aquarium in the house. If the location of your saltwater aquarium is always struck by sunlight, it may result to changes on the temperature of the water on the tank and would produce more algae due to the sun and its UV rays, which may harm your fish inside the aquarium.

Jose Amoros


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