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Aquarium Plants: One of the Best Ornaments in an Aquarium

Everybody understands the reason why most plants can be seen in many aquariums. Healthy plants and their lush are beautiful to look at when they are in an aquarium. They also create a natural setting in the aquarium. 

Most of the fishes feel secure, less stressed and safe whenever they have plants to hide in. Some species of fish do not survive in an aquarium without any plants.  

Aquarium plants will not only give the fishes a helpful shelter and make your aquarium look attractive but they can maintain the quality of the water as well. Plants and fish both exist on the wild and they will surely match well in your aquarium. 

The wastes discharged by the fish contain compounds that are useful for the plant’s nutrition. Therefore, the organic wastes can be contained in the plants instead of seeing them float in the water. The plants must be pruned regularly and the dead parts must be eliminated from the aquarium ASAP.   

Not only that, the aquarium plants will also provide a shelter to many micro organisms which are useful for the ecology and environment of the aquarium. In addition, plants have also the capacity to inhabit the growth of ugly algae since algae and plants compete for similar nutrients. 

Most species of fish will never reproduce in an aquarium without plants. This is because some species need plants for them to feel secured enough to reproduce, while other species need the leaves of the plants to place their eggs in. An abundantly planted aquarium will also enhance the survival growth of the fry especially if you want to increase the number of fry in a similar aquarium like with the adult fish.

However, we all know that plants rely too much to light and photosynthesis. An aquarium with no plants will only need little. 

But if you are planning to have an abundant number of plants in your aquarium, you will be required to put new lights. A fluorescent light will be better to your planted aquarium, make sure that they are made especially for aquariums. 

If you are a beginner, the plant species that will be suitable for you are the Java Moss and the Java Fern. These are strong plants that can survive in water hardiness and pH values. They can even be placed in a brackish aquarium like the Molly aquarium. 

Aquarium plants are very important to the survival of most fishes in the aquarium. It does not matter what aquarium plant you choose, the important thing is you know how to maintain your aquarium as naturally as the fishes and plants habitat.

Jose Amoros


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