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Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Group Leverage

Like a long pole, that can shift a great weight with little effort; such is the case with succeeding in business. 

Your chances of succeeding- as an 'army of one' fall somewhere between zip, zilch and nill.

Social Marketing [i.e. Joint Venture Marketing] is the critical key to enjoying on-going success. There are approximate 100,000,000+ Web sites out there...and growing daily.

Without some good old' fashion Joint Venture Networking skills under your belt; you chances of *not* getting noticed are virtually guaranteed! Though there are many different types of leverage, two- in particular- will be explored in this segment:

Joint Venture Marketing Leverage

All but gone [certainly rare, to say the least] are the days when you could merely just e-mail an E-zine Publisher with a copy of your offerings and a 50% profit-share. 

You've got to captivate your potential Joint Venture Partners with a more strategic, longer-range heap of killer benefits, as well. Prove to them that you are extremely sensitive to *their* overall wants, needs and desires- not yours or mine.

Good Strategic Joint Venture Alliances take time to cultivate...It's all about building trust. 

When a List Master recognizes you as a genuine Expert within your niche, and that you just don't recommend anything that you- yourself- are not absolutely delighted with as the end-consumer...

They will be far more enthusiastic about JV'ing with you in the future, because people like to do business with people they know and trust...

?Are you someone who is trustworthy and whole-heartedly worth getting to know? 

?Does your JV Proposal showcase *them* in the 'limelight'?

?Is your focus on assisting them, in every way within your means, to help them grow their business and become even more successful?

If not- You need to seriously reconsider your marketing priorities...before you 'figure it out' the hard way!

That said...nothing can propel you to [seemingly] overnight success like a well-thought-out and deftly-crafted JV-Nothing. 

Every single truly successful marketer realized- at some point within their career- that in order to get to where their truly trying to be; they have to whole-heartedly and cheerfully assist others in doing the same.

This is especially true when making first contact with a good potential Partner...remember; it is you going to them, for something you want- Not the other way around.

Until you've cultivate your own Master List of 20,000,50,000, even 100,000 Loyal Readers; and you are now the one getting slammed with 10 to 20 Joint Venture Proposals per day, on average...

To create successful, mutually beneficial JV's; you must pole-position your wants, needs and desires in such a way as to naturally resonate with/compliment theirs. 

Often times, this is *much* easier said than done; as good JV Proposals require a fair and reasonable amount of selfless and candid receptiveness, attention to detail and deep meditation.

However...the dividends are supremely worth it! 

Jose Amoros


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