You have to learn that every distraction is going to sidetrack you from your work, no matter how
harmless it seems. Each one can break you from your concentration and can disrupt your
Moreover, distractions will wreak havoc on your productivity and affect the quality of
your work.
Therefore, with this chapter, we are going to look at the extent that you have difficulty concentrating.
With each of the 15 statements below, give yourself a score from one to five depending on how true each statement is to you. A score of one means that the statement describes you, and a score of five indicates that it does not at all.
When you are done, tally the results to see how big of a problem focus is for you.
1. Thoughts that are irrelevant to the situation will constantly surface when you are working
2. Your workspace is always filled with lots of clutter
3. You forget a lot of things and are absentminded
4. You do not set objectives and goals each day
5. Your mind tends to wander during meetings
6. You get distracted easily
7. You become bored quickly
8. You neglect to plan your day
9. You regularly fail to notice some of the important details
10. You try to work on more than one project or task at the same time
11. If you are working on a task, you become fidgety or restless
12. You are often late to appointments and meetings
13. You have trouble remembering where you put personal items
14. Your days do not follow any kind of routine
15. You find that it is difficult to focus on what people say to you during conversations
Remember that you are giving yourself a score between one and five for each of these statements
and when you are done, you can add up your points.
If you scored between 60 and 75, you have a lot of control over your attention, probably more than
most people.
You can already ignore distractions and you have a good handle on getting into a flow
state when you work. Even so, you may still find a few of the tips we talk about in this guidebook
Regardless, you certainly are ahead of many people in terms of focus, already.
If you scored between 45 and 59 points, you are doing pretty well with managing your attention,
but doing so consistently will continue to remain a challenge.
You will find that reading through this
guidebook is really going to help you with your focus. You will reap many benefits by reading through
the tips.
If you scored between 30 and 44, you have a consistent problem with staying focused on your work.
You have trouble concentrating on your activities, studies, and work and sometimes have trouble
keeping track of what people say when you speak to them.
You are not able to concentrate for a
long period because you are super susceptible to distractions that are in your immediate
environment. You will see a big improvement in your concentration if you start using even a few of
the tips in this guidebook.
If you scored less than 30, you need a lot of work in order to see productivity go up for you.
Mastering your attention is going to require consistent application of many of the tips that we
provide in this guidebook. The good news is that this book has many different tips to try out, and if
you are able to combine them, you are going to find that focus can be yours for the taking.
important to realize, however, that you have your work cut out for you.After looking at the results, take some time to go through and determine which areas you would
like to work on the most.
After a few weeks or months of trying some of the tips, you can come back
and take this test again to see if you scored a bit higher or not. This is a good way to gauge whether
you are seeing results or if certain tips are working for you.
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Jose Amoros
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