Procrastination is a big issue when it comes to keeping your focus. All of us have had times when we
do not want to get work done. The work may be boring. You may think the work is too
overwhelming, so why even try to work on it at all?
Alternatively, perhaps there is some other reason
that you decide to put off work. It might not even be a reason that you can readily identify.
If you receive a project and then decide to procrastinate getting it done, you can guess that your
focus is going to be low. You have no interest in even starting, so why would you put your focus
towards doing it?
That certainly doesn’t make any sense, does it?
While a bit of procrastination is
not the end of the world, it can end up being a big issue if you partake in it all the time.
Human beings have limited self-control. Self-control is like a muscle, in that it can become quickly
exhausted, and in some people, this happens much faster than in others. It all depends on the
individual’s discipline and habits.
When self-control is close to being depleted, you are going to
choose to do something that is more pleasurable—other tasks that lead to procrastination—rather
than the work that needs to be done.
To make it simple, procrastination is a great avoidance strategy.
You decide to look for distractions
and avoid focus because you do not want to do the work.
You may find it boring or too hard or
something else, and so you refuse to give it the focus that it requires. Procrastinators are going to
choose to work on something else rather than what needs to be done, simply because it is easier to
choose the thing that brings pleasure rather than pain. This might be the easy choice, but not the
productive choice.
Learning how to have more focus can help you to avoid procrastination.
You can put it at bay, but it
is going to be difficult.
If you are a procrastinator, you will really find that some of the tips in this book are hard to follow because you are more inclined not to do the work at all, and your focus is
probably limited.
Here are some things you can do to help avoid procrastination so that you can gain more focus
1. Identify your triggers: There are actually different types of procrastinators and knowing
which one you are can help you to break the cycle.
a. Perfectionists will not get the work done because they know they cannot do it
perfectly, or they are always waiting for the perfect approach or timing. Tasks are
never done because, to them, things are never perfect enough.
b. An ostrich prefers to stay in the dreaming stage. When they do this, they do not
have to work for real or deal with any stress, and they feel that the dreaming gives
them a sense of achievement because they are envisioning their big plans.
Unfortunately, those plans stay dreams and don’t really ever accomplish anything.
c. Self-saboteurs think that by doing nothing, bad things will not happen. They are
worried about making mistakes or doing things wrong, therefore, they choose to do
nothing. Of course, this is ineffective for anyone trying to achieve any meaningful
d. Daredevils believe that by waiting until they reach a deadline is a way to make them
push to do better.
They believe that starting early is not important and that it will
sacrifice their time for pleasure.
e. Chickens do what they feel they should do, rather than thinking through what they
should be doing.
2. Face the triggers: Once you figure out which of these is your trigger, you need to face it.
Learn how to fight off the type of procrastinator you are and you will see results. Of course,
this takes a certain amount of honesty and self-reflection on your part.
3. Take breaks: Sometimes you need to take a break from your task because the brain is not
supposed to work nonstop. Even five minutes can make you feel better and can ensure that
you are not worn out or tired. Fatigue can sometimes be a big reason for procrastination,
so take those breaks so that you can maintain your focus.
4. Reward yourself: You may find that rewarding yourself can make your work more fun. If you
are someone who procrastinates because you are worried about the fun stuff that you are
going to miss, then this is a strategy that might work for you. Set up some rewards that you
can look forward to that will keep you moving towards your goals.
5. Find smart ways to keep track of your time: In order to avoid procrastination, you must find
a way to keep track of how you spend your time each day. There are apps, such as Rescue
Time, that help you keep track of the way you spend your time. It will give you a breakdown
of how you spend your time and can help you find out how often you are actually on task.
You can turn it into a fun game to figure out if you need have been slacking during times
when you thought you were productive.
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Jose Amoros
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