Email List Profits

"How To Triple Your
Email List Profits"


Okay, you’ve read Build and Grow Your List Fast.So right now, we’re going to switch to advance gear…Who wouldn’t want more profit from the same list? If you’re like most marketers I talk to you, you’re always looking for a way to get higher conversion rates with your list so you can generate more sales.And so most marketers start testing everything – their subject lines, their offers, their calls to action. That’s always a good idea, but many of these same marketers overlook one factor that could make a huge difference to their response rates.

What is that one factor?

List segmentation.

In today’s bonus report, I’m going to show you how to use simple list segmentation (without all of the fancy scripts,plugins, and so forth that can prove complex and confusing) to triple your email list revenue.

A Simple Strategy For List Segmentation

Let’s suppose your main mailing list is targeted at people who want to train their dogs.So you send out a steady stream of dog obedience courses and supplies, and you make a fair amount of sales.

But then you wonder if some of your list members might ALSO be interested in teaching their dogs tricks. What you really want to do is get these special subscribers to step forward, raise their hands, and say, “Yes, I want to teach my dog tricks.”The good news is there is a way to do this -- all you have to do is offer an enticing freebie on the topic of trick training,and let these interested parties step forward and self identify.So here’s what happens…Now you have two lists, and some of your subscribers areon both lists.

➢ You have the main list, which gives you the chance to continue building relationships, offering free content,and promoting your offers.

➢ But you also have this second list which is even more laser targeted, because it only includes subscribers who’ve shown an interest in trick training for dogs.

This is a benefit to all subscribers, because those who aren’t interested in trick training won’t be seeing any (or as many) of these offers on the main list.And it’s really beneficial to your business, as it helps you make money in these three ways:

1. First, you enjoy a higher conversion rate. This second list is laser targeted to a sub-niche or a particular topic, so you can write copy that speaks to these folks, and send them offers they can’t resist. End result? An impressive conversion rate.

2. Second, you get to put the new subscribers into an autoresponder follow up. In other words, you can send presell content to them and start converting them into buyers with your initial email series and any freebies you offer. That means you can start making sales to this list immediately.

3. Third, you’ll also make sales over the long term.That’s because this new list will receive ongoing emails to promote additional offers. Even if they never purchased from you while they were on the main list,they may purchase now because you’re giving them exactly what they want. Sounds good, right? You bet it is, and it’s very profitable.Which brings us to the next question… how do you start segmenting your list and converting them to buyers? You’ll do it in three stages:

Stage 1: Attract
Stage 2: Convert
Stage 3: Drip Feed

I’m going to unpack these three stages for you, so you can start enjoying a higher conversion rate…

Stage 1: Attract The first stage of segmentation is to create a lead magnet that attracts a laser-targeted segment of your main list to join your new list.

EXAMPLE: if your main list is a weight-loss list, then you might create a smaller list about low-carb diets.

EXAMPLE: If your main list is about online marketing, then you might create a smaller list aimed at those interested in

EXAMPLE: If your main list is about gardening, you might create a lead magnet product of interest to organic gardeners.

So, what type of freebie can you offer as a lead magnet to get subscribers on your main list to join your new list? Basically, you’ll offer anything that has the following characteristics:

➢ It’s desirable. Do your market research to find out what your prospects are buying. For example, if they’re buying some “how to get great abs” books on Amazon and Clickbank, then you know they’ll be happy to take advantage of a free offer on the same topic.

➢ It’s valuable. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s worth $0. On the contrary, this product should be something you could easily sell for $10, $20 or more.

➢ It’s easy to deliver. You don’t want to sit around manually sending your freebie to your prospects, so make sure it’s easy to deliver. It should also be easy to use so you don’t need to answer customer service inquiries.

EXAMPLE: If you’re offering a free report, then offer it in the most popular downloadable format – PDF – which can be accessed across different platforms and devices. Most people know how to download and open a PDF, so you won’t get too many questions about it

➢ It works as a sales tool. Finally, your freebie should be useful yet incomplete. That means it stands alone as a great product that solves part of your prospect’s problem. Yet it’s incomplete in that it doesn’t solve the whole problem, which gives you a chance to promote products which will solve these problems. There are quite a few different types of freebies you can offer that meet these four qualifications, which you’ll find below.Let’s suppose for the purpose of our discussion you’re segmenting a bodybuilding list to target those who’re most interested in learning specific types of compound lifts to sculpt their bodies.

Stage 2: Convert

The next step is to create a conversion sequence, which is where you upload four to seven emails to your autoresponder, which will go out every few days to your new (laser targeted) list.

This conversion sequence will contain a mix of content and promotion. The content will help you build a good relationship with your subscribers, which is why you should offer some of your very best tips, tricks and secrets.You want to build trust with your prospects and let them see your goal is to help them.Each email you send will also contain a promotion for a paid product, which will help solve your prospects’ problems (and slide money into your pocket every time someone buys).Ideally you should promote your own products, as this is more profitable (and you control the quality of the customer experience).

However, if you do promote affiliate products, then make absolutely sure they’re high-quality products. If you wouldn’t recommend a product to your mother or your best friend, then don’t recommend it to your list.So what does a conversion sequence look like?

➢ The first messages should be delivered immediately, with subsequent messages in this initial sequence going out every one to three days thereafter. That’s because you want to keep yourself in front of your prospects for the first several days, since they’re excited about this new topic and they may be itching to buy something.

➢ The second point to keep in mind is to build anticipation for upcoming emails, which will keep people reading. For example, you might end an email with something like, “Keep an eye on your inbox, because tomorrow you’ll find out the #1 way to [get some benefit, like “lose belly fat”]…”

➢ Another way to keep people engaged is to be sure your sequence is tightly related. For example, if you’re sending out a series of five emails, then each of these emails might contain how-to information for one step in a five-step process. Alternatively, each email might include one tip, trick, strategy or secret for accomplishing a goal.Let’s suppose your new list is aimed at those who want to know more about blogging, and let’s suppose you’re sending out five emails.Your sequence might look like one of the following examples:

➢ The five easy steps to getting a blog up and running fast.
➢ Five traffic strategies for getting targeted traffic to a blog.
➢ Five types of blog posts every blogger ought to publish.
➢ Five secrets for getting more sales every time you blog.

You get the idea – create a tightly related series, with each email promoting a related product.

TIP: Primarily you should use this sequence promote one product. 

That’s because people don’t often buy the first time or two they hear about a product, which is why you should promote it over the entire initial series.You may promote a secondary product or service where appropriate. For example, if you’re explaining how to set up a blog, then your main product might be a “How To Be a Better Blogger” home study course. 

However, you might drop your affiliate link for a domain registrar and/or web host.Let me give you an example of a five day conversion sequence which gives information about five ways to get traffic to a blog. Let’s suppose you’re selling a “How to Be a Better Blogger” course.

Here’s what your sequence might look like:

Email 1, send immediately: Traffic Strategy 1, guest blogging. Here you’d give information about how to get your articles on other people’s sites, and then promote the paid course for additional tips on how to write articles that are sure to get accepted.

Email 2, sent two days later: Traffic Strategy 2, joint venture co-promotion. Tips for doing JVs, and then point to the course for more details on how to attract JV partners.

Email 3, sent two days later: Traffic Strategy 3, social media marketing. Tips for using Facebook, then point to the course for how to fully integrate a social media strategy with blogging.

Email 4, sent two days later: Traffic Strategy 4, viral marketing. Tips for viral marketing, and then point to the course for dozens of examples of how to create viral blog content.

Email 5, sent two days later: Traffic Strategy 5, paid advertising. Tips on purchasing pay per click ads and solo ads, then point to the course to get a full traffic strategy.

Secondarily, you might also promote a copywriting and conversion course so your prospects learn how to write better ads.Of course once your prospects get through this initial conversion sequence, they’re not done yet. This is when you move to Stage 3…

Stage 3: Drip Feed

The idea behind this stage is to drip feed a continuous stream of follow-up emails every 10 to 14 days. You’ll continue to provide good content, but you’ll also start promoting a variety of offers.

TIP: Create evergreen content. This means you provide time-tested content and offers that are relevant today, they’ll be relevant next year, and they’ll be just as good two years from now.Don’t include any information in these emails that date the email (such as mentioning a news event or date). 

Also,don’t promote offers that are brand new and untested, as you want to make sure they stand the test of time.That way, you can create a hands-off autoresponder sequence that will work to convert your segmented list for the next couple years.If you want to promote new products, do so in a live
broadcast. If the new product withstands the test of time,then you can add it to your autoresponder sequence later.If you load up enough messages into your autoresponder,your follow-up sequence can build relationships and close sales for six months, nine months, a year or more.

For example, you only need to load about 36 messages into your autoresponder (set to go out every 10 days) to create a year’s worth of content.

TIP: You don’t need to load all these messages at once.Just commit to creating and uploading two or three messages each week, and you’ll build your follow-up sequence over time.The other thing you’ll promote from within these emails are offers to join other topical lists. In other words, you keep segmenting your lists so you can send laser-targeted offers with targeted copy.

For example:

➢ If you’ve segmented a main bodybuilding list into those who’re primarily interested in lifts, then you can further segment into those who are primarily interested in lifts for specific body parts, such as the legs, pecs and arms.

➢ If you’ve segmented an online marketing list to target bloggers, then you can segment this blogging list into those who’re interested in writing better. You might also send out offers for those who want to learn more about how to get traffic.

➢ If you have a gardening list segmented to target organic gardeners, you can further differentiate between organic veggie gardeners and organic flower gardeners. You can also target specific topics, such as organic gardening in cold climates, or how to get rid of aphids, cabbage worms and other pests.In short… keep building relationships, keep selling, and keep segmenting your lists to boost your conversion rates.

Closing Thoughts
You just discovered how some of the world’s most successful email marketers create such responsive lists.Their secret is to segment the list into laser-targeted sub niches or topics, and then send relevant content and offers to these new lists.Now you too can start enjoying more sales by segmenting your list. 

As you already learned, you do this in three stages:

Stage 1: Attract, which is where you create an enticing lead magnet to entice people to join your segmented list.

Stage 2: Convert, which is where you create a series of four to seven emails to convert your newly segmented list members to buyers.

Stage 3: Drip Feed, where you send out follow-up messages every 10-14 days over the long term with product promos, as well as offers for related lead magnets so that you can further segment your lists.This is the exact three-stage process I’ve used to create laser-targeted, highly responsive lists. 

Now that you know
how to do it too, give it a try right away and see if you don’t agree that this is an extremely powerful way to increase your conversion rates and make more money with your mailing lists. I think you’ll like your results!

P.S: If you want to have a “done-for-you” affiliate business +email marketing, 

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