Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Squidoo Your Way To Free Brand Recognition

Unlike social networking sites, that we'll discuss later in Chapter 6, social marketing sites allow you to define your brand and market it to make money online. is the best example of a social marketing site that allows you to create lenses that are like a focal point of interest that you are an expert in. By being part of social marketing site, you will be able to network with other people interested in showing off their expertise too and that can build traffic to your site.

One of the many advantages to using Squidoo to help you get noticed is that you can do sales calls for action and it won't get you banned from the site. Squidoo is crawled by the Google spider and so there are many ways to use the power of Google to get your Squidoo lens ranked higher and attract people through the search engine dynamics. Meanwhile, it's perfectly okay to advertise your own products, your affiliate products, or anything else you want to promote on your Squidoo lens.

What's Up With Squidoo?

In order to learn how to maximize the potential to draw attention from Squidoo, you have to understand some of its features. Squidoo's main feature is a lens, which consists of a single web page used to promote anything that matters to you. You can use it to recommend products or services to other people. You can use it promote yourself, a topic, or your business. You can even earn royalties off the lenses that you create.


The lens isn't just used to create sales copy, although many people use them this way. They are also for getting the word out about things that interest you or that might interest other people. You are able to create up to 10 lenses a day on any topic you desire. However, creating a lens that gets attention is somewhat of an art form. You don't want it to appear to be too commercial, and you don't want to spam a lot of keywords, but you do want to use strategies that can bring in traffic and convert to sales later.

When you write a lens, the best way to think of what content to add is to think of the various topics you are an expert on. Squidoo likes to remind people that they are like a cross between Friendster and Wikipedia. You want to be sociable, but you also want to get interesting and accurate information across to the readers of your lens. You want to narrow that topic so that it becomes a brand, of sorts. It should be very clear, it should have a niche, and you should strive to make it interesting. 


SquidU is the area for learning all things Squidoo. It is a bulletin board style format that allows you to see major categories of topics and search the database for topics of concern to you. If you are brand new to Squidoo, it can be very helpful to connect with people who know more than you do. 

They can help you optimize your pages, create attractive profiles, and guide you on the best way to use Squidoo for your particular topic. You are not only learning this way, but you are also networking. If you start to create online friendships with other Squidoo users they might come to your lens and vote on it, increasing the ranking. The more people that notice and rank your lens, the more that it will become a magnet for people on the Internet.


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