Sunday, January 19, 2020

2 for making $10 an hour online – writing and selling PLR.

In our previous example we were writing articles for
others. Of course in freelancing you can choose to offer
any service people are willing to pay for – writing articles was simply one example.

But what if, instead of writing articles for one person, we write a packet of 10 to 15 articles on one specific topic using the best keywords for that niche, and then SELL that packet of articles to fellow marketers for their own private use?

Now you can sell the same articles over and over again. 

If you sell that packet of 15 articles for $10, and you sell 15 packets, you've earned $150. If it took you 5 hours to write the articles, you've now earned $30 an hour. Of course, if it takes you less time, you earn more per hour. And if you sell more packets, you've again made more per hour.

There are PLR writers who do exactly this. 

They write packets of articles, offer those articles either on their own websites or on the Warrior forum, and do quite well.Can you outsource the writing of the articles? 

Of course you can. 

And with PLR, you are not limited to just articles – you can write blog posts, reports, ebooks, make recordings, videos, etc. You are also not limited by how many times you can sell each PLR product you create,unless you choose to set a limit so as to create scarcity.

So now you're naming your own price, and you're creating a bank of products you can continue to sell for as long as you choose. And you're also creating a loyal following of buyers because once your buyers see that you offer good quality at a good price, they will come back time and time again.

Maybe your first PLR product only sells 10 copies, but then your next one sells to 10 new buyers and 5 of your previous buyers, and your next one sells to 10 new buyers and 10 of your previous buyers, and so forth. Every time you offer a new PLR product you'll have more customers who already know that you put out great stuff, and so they'll snap it up in a heartbeat.

Plus, as new customers arrive they'll see your previous PLR products and purchase some of those as well. So that 1 packet of 15 articles you wrote 3 months ago is still selling a couple of copies a week, and if you're putting out new products every week, you've got more and more to offer and thus more and more to sell.

Leverage this by outsourcing some or all of the writing,and you've not only created a method to earn $10 or more per hour – you've actually got yourself a nice little business where you are in control, you set the hours and you set the prices.

Do you see how you are progressing from a freelancer to a service provider? 

And it really is that easy, but the first step is you have to actually START. And that's the step that trips most people up. The second step of course is that once you start, you keep going. 

You'll find the more you do, the more you want to do, and it just gets easier as you go because you're building momentum and you're seeing success. Plus as you go you'll get more and more testimonials, which will make it all that easier to make more and more sales and even to charge more money for 1 your work.

Again, getting started is the hard part, yet it can be easy if you get started right now before you have a chance to put it off. There is nothing stopping you because if you have time to read this, then you have time to start your freelancing business or even jump straight into your PLR writing business.

Jose Amoros

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