Sunday, January 19, 2020

3 for making $10 an hour online – Write an Info Product on How You Did It.

Did you get started? Are you now making $10+ per hour freelancing? Or writing and selling PLR? 

Then your next step is to write your own case study on how you did it,and sell that.

 For example, you might title your report,“How I went from $0 to $10 an hour in one day, and now earn $30 an hour doing simple work.” Or something like that (perhaps a bit shorter.) Then sell your report on the Warrior Special Offers forum or on your website or Clickbank or where ever you choose.

In fact, no matter what you're doing online to succeed,once you get good at this you can always write a report detailing what you did and sell it to make easy, extra money.

In our example, if you price your report at $7 and sell 50 copies, you've made $350. The cost to run a Warrior Special Offer is $40, so you've netted over $300 for something that probably took you 3-5 hours worth of work. That's $60+ per hour, PLUS you now have 50 additional buyers on your list that you can sell to again and again.

More tips - whatever service you're offering, be sure to offer it with a twist. 

If you're writing articles, use a spinner to give them multiple versions of each article, or use a program to transfer them into video, or blast the articles to article directories. If you're doing backlinking,don't just offer a standard package of one type of backlink – offer a package that includes multiple types of backlinks 1 so it looks far more natural to the search engines. 

And so forth.

Your service could be something as simple as creating videos using any of the video programs out there. There are programs that make videos that look like Hollywood trailers, and others that make videos that look like home movies. 

Do your research, find a program you like, and offer the service. Sure you might spend some money on software or access to a special website that produces these videos, but then it's as easy as 'plug in and create' to fulfill your video orders.

Now I know a lot of people are going to want me to outline a detailed step-b-step plan on exactly what you should do to earn your $10 an hour and work up from there, and I'm not going to do it.

First, I'd have a hundred people all competing against each other and complaining of the competition. Second,it's not about me telling you what to do – it's about you 1 finding what you're best suited for and following that path.

More to the point, this is where you do your research and you find something that resonates with you, and then you learn everything you can about it. Set aside 10 hours and just learn learn learn. 

Then you'll know more about your topic than most people, and you'll be ready to offer your service. And it will truly be YOUR service, not something you copycatted from a step-by-step action plan like a hundred other automatons.

This isn't just about earning $10 an hour – this is about you stepping out of your comfort zone and stretching yourself just a bit. 

This is about you taking your first steps without the aid of a hand railing, and it's the best way to get started and realize just how simple all of this is if you'll only just DO IT.

Jose Amoros

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