Sunday, January 19, 2020

3 Ways to Make $10 an Hour

We didn't start online businesses to make 10 bucks an hour, right? Our goals are obviously much bigger. But
here's what new comers need to know that only seasoned online pros can tell you – you've got to start somewhere.

There are three key components to that sentence - 

“You have got to start somewhere.”First of course is “you,” because nobody is going to do it for you.Second is“have got to start” – if you haven't started to make money online, now is the time. Not tomorrow. Not next month. NOW.

And third is “somewhere.” Meaning you're not going to start out making a thousand dollars an hour or a million dollars a year. It's not going to happen. You start out making maybe 10 dollars an hour, and you move up from there.

I'm not saying you can't move up fast – you can. But you have to START where ever it is that you're able to start, and for nearly everybody it's making a few dollars an hour and working from there.

For those who don't want to work your way up, that's no problem. 

Close this newsletter and go find a get rich quick scheme or 2 or 20. 

Then get back to me when you're rich (should be next week sometime, right?) You might even get lucky and find yourself a one hit wonder. You know, like those musicians who get a song on the charts – and then can never duplicate their success so they just fade away. 

It's almost worse then never getting success at all because then people say,“I know that song, who did that?” 

“Oh yeah, that was Jo Blo and the Tweektonics.” 

“Whatever happened to them?”

“They were one of those one hit wonder bands. 

I think they're playing airport lounges now, and the lead singer is the cook at Ma's Take-in-Bake.”


5 minutes of fame and the rest of their life is a punch line.I see that happen in online marketing. Some newbie makes a product that sells a few hundred copies, they get some money in their pocket, and then they just fade away, never to be heard from again.

Who the heck needs that?

But it's the get rich quick mentality that makes failure like that happen.For the rest of us who have the common sense to know you don't win a marathon by starting on the finish line, let's get started.

And one more thing: As you begin making money online,a funny thing happens. You get addicted. You get to where you want to make more, and you do. You want to find ways to leverage yourself and your work, and you do. 

You want to find methods to make a lot more money in a shorter amount of time, and you do. But it all starts at the beginning – making a few dollars an hour and then working up from there.

Jose Amoros

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